Category Archives: Media Articles
Stop dumping at cleaned areas

Emisa ho silafatsa sebaka seo o phelang hosona…
Hlwekisa jwale ka ha o hlwekile le wena, seka lahlela matlakala dibakeng tse hlwekisitsweng. Eba karolo ya naha ho hlwekisa tikoloho ya hao le Afrika Borwa.
Ba molato ba tla ahlolwa bonyane R1000.00
Tlaleha ba molato ho: (057) 391 8588 / 0800 628542
Stop dumping at cleaned areas
Your dumping / littering behaviour contributes towards unhealthy environment; Trespassers will be fined at least R1000.00
Report trespassers to: (057) 391 8588 / 0800 62 85 42
Removal of bulky garden refuse The removal of bulky garden refuse (tree branches etc.) is the responsibility of the owner or occupier of a premise and it is not covered under the removal of domestic refuse. The Refuse (Solid Waste) and Sanitary By-Law (By-Law4 of 2008) deals with the removal of bulky garden refuse. Owners or occupiers of a premise may remove the bulky garden refuse themselves, or contract someone else to do it. Garden refuse may only be disposed at a site approved y the Municipality, and not dumped in open areas. The Municipality can also be contacted to remove bulky garden refuse with its refuse removal equipment if the refuse can be removed by such equipment, and a fee will be payable. No bulky garden refuse may be placed on sidewalks in the hope that the Municipality will remove it. If other residents dump their garden refuse on the sidewalk in front of your house or premises, please report them to the Municipality, or you will be the one on the receiving end of a fine. Some people also dump their garden refuse on sidewalks or areas that can be described as ‘no-man’s-land’. Please report those who disrespect your environment. Fast Facts: What to do with builder refuse Builder refuse The owner of a premise where building takes place is responsible for the removal and disposal of the builder refuse. Builder refuse is not covered under the removal of domestic refuse. The Refuse (Solid Waste) and Sanitary By-Law (By-Law4 of 2008) deals with the removal of builder refuse. Builder material and/or refuse may be placed on the sidewalk or in a container while the building is in progress, but pre-approval from Council is necessary because the convenience and safety of the public needs to be established first. The written consent from Council will indicate how long the building material or refuse may be placed on the sidewalk or roadway and what fee is payable. Builder material and/or refuse may not be placed on sidewalks without approval. Owners or occupiers of a premise may remove the builder refuse themselves, or contract someone else to do it. Builder refuse may only be disposed at the landfill site, and not dumped in open areas. If a container is used for builder refuse while the building is in progress, the containers must clearly display the name and address or telephone number of the person in control of such a container. It must also be fitted with reflection chevrons or reflectors which shall completely outline the front and the back the container. The by-law also deals with the disposal of builders refuse and special industrial refuse. For a full copy, please see our web site at